For your convenience, our most common customer questions are answered right here.

How much do you charge?

That depends on what writing you need done. Social Ink primarily works on a project fee or retainer basis.  We do also offer an hourly rate option with a “not to exceed” clause.

What types of writing do you do? 

If you need it written, we can write it.

Are you a “grantwriter”?

Yes, we write proposals to be submitted to grant making agencies.  But we (and many other consultants) do not like that term. Why? Well, it makes it seem as if grant seeking is primarily a writing task. Very often, writing is the easiest part of grant development.  A good consultant can improve your programs and strengthen your organization.  Plus, we offer strategic planning, research, evaluation, and marketing services as well.

What kind of grants do you write?

Social Ink has experience with many types of organizations and funders. Please contact us if you would like to see work samples of prior work or if you would like more information on the organizations we have served and the funders we have worked with.

Ask A Question:

Social Ink is happy to answer any questions you may have about us.  Please email us at [email protected]